17 Apr 2013

SoftPerfect Network Protocol Analyzer – Network sniffer for Windows

Network Protocol Analyzer is a free professional tool for analysing, debugging, maintaining and monitoring local networks and Internet connections. It captures the data passing through your dial-up connection or network Ethernet card, analyses this data and then represents it in an easily readable form. SoftPerfect Network Protocol Analyzer is a useful tool for network administrators, security specialists, network application developers and anyone who needs a comprehensive picture of the traffic passing through their network connection or segment of a local area network.
SoftPerfect Network Protocol Analyzer presents the results of its network analysis in a convenient and easily understandable format. It also allows you to defragment and reassemble network packets into streams. The program can easily analyze network traffic based on a number of different Internet protocols as listed below.
SoftPerfect Network Protocol Analyzer features full decoding of the following low level protocols: AH, ARP, ESP, ICMP, ICMPv6, IGMP, IP, IPv6, IPX, LLC, MSG, REVARP, RIP, SAP, SER, SNAP, SPX, TCP and UDP. It also performs full reconstruction of top-level protocols such as HTTP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, FTP, TELNET and others.
The flexible system of fully configurable filters can be used to discard all network traffic except the specific traffic patterns you wish to analyze. SoftPerfect Network Protocol Analyzer also features a packet builder. This tool allows you to build your own custom network packets and send them into the network. You could use this packet builder feature to check your network for protection against attacks and intruders.
The software requires Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008/Seven. Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported. It also requires a network connection, which could be a wireless connection, or a modem that conforms to the NDIS standard.


NetWorx – Free Bandwidth Monitoring and Usage Reporting

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etWorx is a simple and free, yet powerful tool that helps you objectively evaluate your bandwidth situation. You can use it to collect bandwidth usage data and measure the speed of your Internet or any other network connection. NetWorx can help you identify possible sources of network problems, ensure that you do not exceed the bandwidth limits specified by your ISP, or track down suspicious network activity characteristic of Trojan horses and hacker attacks.
The program allows you to monitor all your network connections or a specific network connection (such as Ethernet or PPP) only. The software also features a system of highly customisable visual and sound alerts. You can set it up to alert you when the network connection is down or when some suspicious activity, such as unusually heavy data flow, occurs. It can also automatically disconnect all dialup connections and shut down the system.
The incoming and outgoing traffic is represented on a line chart and logged to a file, so that you can always view statistics about your daily, weekly and monthly bandwidth usage and dialup duration. The reports can be exported to a variety of formats, such as HTML, MS Word and Excel, for further analysis.


SoftPerfect Network Scanner

SoftPerfect Network Scanner is a free multi-threaded IP, NetBIOS and SNMP scanner with a modern interface and many advanced features. It is intended for both system administrators and general users interested in computer security. The program pings computers, scans for listening TCP/UDP ports and displays which types of resources are shared on the network (including system and hidden).
In addition, it allows you to mount shared folders as network drives, browse them using Windows Explorer, filter the results list and more. SoftPerfect Network Scanner can also check for a user-defined port and report back if one is open. It can also resolve host names and auto-detect your local and external IP range. It supports remote shutdown and Wake-On-LAN.


Restore deleted files - SoftPerfect File Recovery

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28 Mar 2013

Download Murottal Al-Quran 30 Juz: Sheikh Saad Al-Ghomidi

Murottal Al-Quran 30 Juz: Sheikh Saad Al-Ghomidi
Sumber : 11 
No SurahNama SurahLink Download
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15 Feb 2013

Cara Express Menutup Semua Program Windows dengan Sekali Klik

Pernah atau bahkan sering pada saat kita ingin menutup banyak aplikasi pada windows memerlukan waktu yang sedikit lama, dan repot klik sana klik situ. naah pemirsa jikalau anda ingin mempercepat proses tersebut, segeralah ke klinik tong sang cong #eehh. maap maksudnya kita bisa menggunakan aplikasi yang bernama close all. jadi aplikasi ini berfungsi untuk menutup semua program hanya dgn sekali klik.

Decs :



-compatible dgn 64 bit,

silahkan download disni 



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